Thursday, August 6, 2009

Another Obsession - The Stately Iris

"Thou art the Iris, fair among the fairest,

Who, armed with golden rod

And winged with the celestial azure, bearest

The message of some God."

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807 - 1882)

shown: Louisiana Iris 'Black Gamecock'
suitable for garden, pond or bog.
A prolific, free flowering iris, the foliage provides
structure in a garden even when not in bloom.


  1. Just dropped by for PS and took a peek at this post too. The flowers are lovely.

    Please stop by The Old Parsonage anytime, I love company.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  2. Pretty!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

    For my pink post... visit me at Sweeter Living
    (Your also welcome to my other blog Sweeter Homes... if you need a house-fix)

  3. Welcome and Happy 1st Pink Saturday
